Frequency input : 2051
The panelmeter 2051 is designed for pulse sensors, whose frequency will be measured. The inputs are NPN-, PNP-, Namur -sensors, closing contact or a pickup-sensor.
The input frequency range 0,0001Hz .. 5 kHz is exceptionally wide starting with extremely low frequencies. The display is scaleable on the whole frequency range, e.g. 0-1,23 Hz can correspond to the range 0-5000 on the display . Output is freely scaleable on the basis of the display, e.g. 4-20 mA. The measuring method applied for low frequencies is to measure the time interval between two incoming pulses and for higher frequencies to measure the frequency. The display also provides a power supply of 24VDC, max. 150 mA for a sensor.
See also displays in field enclosure, model 2800-2051 and transmitter 6420.
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